If I was working at the time of the accident is my employer responsible?

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California  law (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CIV&sectionNum=2338.#:) states  that employers are liable for employees’ mistakes .The allocation of responsibility to the employer is also known as “vicarious liability.” Special liability rules apply to Motor Vehicle use under CA vehicle code (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH&sectionNum=17150).

What Does It Mean To Be Underinsured?

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It means having insurance coverage but the limits may not be high enough (inadequate) to cover the full expense of a claim. Every state has minimum liability coverage for property damage and bodily injury in order to permit/register a vehicle … Continued

Do I have to report an accident to DMV (SR-1 Form)?

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California law (as well as most states) requires traffic accidents on a California street/highway or private property to be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within 10 days if there was an injury, death or property damage in excess of $1,000. … Continued

Do I need to report an Accident to My Insurance Company?

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In short, yes; regardless of fault because all Insurance Policies contain a provision called “Duty To Cooperate”. This provision is based on two concepts: preventing collusion between the insured and the party who created the accident/loss and the second reason … Continued

What is the Compulsory Financial Responsibility Law

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The purpose of the Compulsory Financial Responsibility Law is to ensure that drivers and owners of vehicles are financially responsible for any damage or injury caused by a traffic accident, regardless of fault, and to remove financially irresponsible drivers from … Continued

What area of the country do you work in?

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We work throughout the United States. We find that being headquartered in California is beneficial to our success. Our office is open 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday – Friday and 8 a.m. – noon on Saturdays. Due to the … Continued